Leading through


“Each one of us is a perfect, unique energy force.”
–Bruce D. Schneider



We live in a world of constant change and challenge, where new possibilities and pressures emerge every day in our personal lives, our work environments, and in our communities. To succeed in this dynamic environment, we need to know ourselves well, and have a true understanding of what attitude we project, since this energy can influence others. We need to be leaders who can inspire and empower ourselves and others to achieve greatness. But there is no one-size-fits-all formula for leadership, because different situations and people require different approaches. Our leadership style is shaped by our past experiences and learning, but we also need to be flexible and adaptable to the changing energy of ourselves and others. Therefore, today’s leaders need not only knowledge and experience, but also curiosity and openness to learn and grow.

Energy Leadership is the process that helps you develop a personal and effective leadership style that can positively transform yourself and those around you, as well as your organization as a whole.

"The significant problems of today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created them..."

–Albert Einstein

The Leadership Role of Energy

Understanding Catabolic and Anabolic Energy

At the cellular level, catabolism usually refers to a breakdown of complex molecules, while anabolism is the opposite. When we’re talking about a person’s catabolic or anabolic energy, however, we’re making a broader statement about destructive and constructive forces in an entire person, who is made up not only of individual cells, but also of thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. These have energy, too. You can have catabolic and anabolic energy in a single cell, a particular organ of the body, a certain system in the body (such as the nervous or digestive systems), or the entire person, as well as in any thought, emotion, or action within that person.

The body is an energy system. This system is self-governed and thought-affected. The body seeks to maintain its energy system to keep it in the anabolic (healthy) range. However, every thought we have affects our system, and catabolic (negative, unhealthy) thoughts produce undesired results in the body as well as in action.

By raising consciousness of our catabolic and anabolic energy we can change the way we think and lead.



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Change your lens on life with Energy Leadership

With business today having such a high degree of human complexity, becoming an energy conscious leader will inspire maximum individual potential and create effective, engaged teams. As your coach, I will partner with you in a thought-provoking and creative process to hone critical thinking and master energy leadership skills.

The only constant in life is change. All of us are immersed in change and sometimes need a little help getting there. Your choice is not in stopping change, but in how you deal with it. Partner with us today to create conscious leadership using a unique coaching model focused on understanding your energy and how you “show up” in the world.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."

–Charles Darwin